My name is Simon Mtsuki, I am a young student who has realized that I was born with cleverness but with no knowledge, I have realized that I have many God-given traits which are set to be managed by me but determined by other humans and unsolved equations. I have taken a long time trying to understand this, and I have used this mis-understanding as a weapon against myself, preventing some humans from making me a knowledge-able master of arts in this changing world.
There are many people we can learn from, parents, friends or motivational speakers but today I specifically chose to speak about teachers.
Looking back into my student life, from the very first day, I realize that I amongst others have taken advantage of teachers. Looking back I see that I have taken for granted their positions they occupy, the knowledge they possesss and their role in my life. I realize that I as young as I am have not done enough to help to make an environment where I can be taught, coached, instructed and sufficiently developed into a survivor in this constantly changing world we are moving through…most importantly I have wasted a great amount of time which I could have used for eating but instead chose to weed out these fruits which were made for me to grow healthily and strong.
I now thank the heavens that I have realised that teachers aren’t the enemy but the ally to this war of mis-education on earth, that teachers aren’t the sickness but the medicine to this disease of lack of knowledge in my being, that teachers have the root of which I may be the fruit. Because it is quite crucial to understand that if it wasn’t for teachers I wouldn’t know how to write, I wouldn’t know what is 1+1, I wouldn’t know what are the cass marks for which I am trying to achieve by writing this speech… but more importantly I have realised that I am a vessel and teachers some how have the right liquids to pour into me so that I may follow my dreams… THANK GOD FOR THE SUN, THANK GOD FOR THE MOON, THANK GOD FOR ALL OF CREATION…AND THANK GOD FOR TEACHERS BECAUSE TEACHERS TRULY ARE GOD-GIVEN
i wrote this as a motivational piece for my first ever motivational talk (in late 2005)...i can safely say these were my first words as a Baby Speaker